I Am Alice Podcast
Conversations about connection, creativity, clarity. Stories about how we transform our lives and live the best lives possible. What brings you joy? For me, that’s playing harmonium & singing This podcast is to connect people on the subject of life changing experiences. Have you had one yet? What we learn from these circumstances and how we can create a new way of living! Discovering the tools that work for us. To listen to the first chapter of my book I am Alice, Break up, Breakdown, Breakthrough. Visit my website: iamalicebook.com or find out more about my work at travelwithalice.com
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
This is a short forgiveness Breathwork session. Suitable for a beginner.
It’s important to forgive yourself and others for actions or errors in our past. We are able to feel free, and lighter. Releasing emotions is key to creating a healthy body, mind and soul.